SootGone Cleaning


The shortcomings of conventional well-known soot cleaning devices such as steam soot blowers, rappers, sonic horns, shot cleaning systems, water cannons, water sprayers, shot dropping, explosives etc. are pushing the operators and inventors to look for more perfect and complete solutions.

The tasks are well known and common. The device has to be better than present cleaning equipment:

Higher efficiency / more effective.

Lower capital and operation cost.

Minimal and /or simple maintenance activities.

No necessity for spare parts.

Friendly in operation.

Easy and simple installation.

for all different places and surfaces of boilers to be cleaned, such as:

Combustion chamber


Super heaters


Air Heaters


Soot Gone (SG) originally invented and designed for on-line cleaning of almost all heat-transfer surfaces of fuel burning equipment from sedimentations of ash, slag, soot, etc.

SG has proven itself as very effective and as a super reliable device with almost no maintenance requirements. The unique design and arrangement of Pulse Generators guarantee the super reliability of these devices.

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